Wednesday 31 August 2016

Michael Ihemaguba - Infertility Testing Basics

Michael Ihemaguba is listed among the Leading Physicians of the World and is recognized by the International Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and his work with thousands of patients has helped him earn this recognition. As an OB/GYN, he has helped many patients test for, and understand, infertility.

                                  Michael Ihemaguba
Infertility is a common problem, and OB/GYNs like Michael Ihemaguba are familiar with testing practices, treatment options and alternatives for patients diagnosed infertile. The basics of such testing are touched on below:
  • Male Testing – Male testing for infertility typically includes a physical exam and begins with semen testing to examine shape, number and movement of sperm. In some cases, a physician will also check a man’s hormone levels. 
  • Female Testing – Female testing for infertility also includes a physical exam and the test can include ovulation tracking. A woman can track her ovulation by monitoring body temperature in the morning, tracking cervical mucus appearance and using a home ovulation test kit. After a few months of tracking, a doctor can examine the woman’s results. 
Physicians can also test for ovulation with ultrasounds and blood tests. Other common fertility tests include laparoscopy, which allows the doctor to view the inside of the uterus, and hysterosalpingography, which is a uterine x-ray that helps the healthcare professional to examine the uterus and fallopian tubes with the aid of a special dye.

A qualified healthcare practitioner like Michael Ihemaguba can educate you further on infertility testing. When necessary, he or she can also give you guidance on how to proceed depending on your personal situation.

Monday 22 August 2016

Michael Ihemaguba - Uterine Fibroid Facts

Michael Ihemaguba is an experienced medical practitioner who worked with St. Barnabas Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, for over a decade as an OB/GYN. During his time with the hospital, he helped countless women suffering from uterine fibroids. 

Michael Ihemaguba

Uterine fibroids, sometimes known as leiomyoma, are tumors, typically non-cancerous, attached to the wall of the uterus. The tumors can be removed by specialists like Michael Ihemaguba. If you suspect that you are suffering from uterine fibroids, consult your OB/GYN for more information. He or she can fill you in on facts like those below and, if necessary, provide treatment:

  • Pregnancy Risks – Women suffering from uterine fibroids are at a higher risk of complications during pregnancy, but the presence of fibroids does not always result in problems. When problems do occur, issues can include preterm delivery, placental abruption, failure to progress labor, breech birth and the necessity of a cesarean section. 
  • Diagnosis – Most women with fibroids learn of the condition during regular medical checkups. Physicians can often feel fibroids with their fingers during pelvic exams. Tests to confirm the presence of fibroids and the condition’s severity might include ultrasounds, an MRI, x-rays, a cat scan or, in some cases, non-invasive surgery. 
  • Talking to Your Doctor – When talking to your doctor about uterine fibroids post-diagnosis, inquire about the quantity, size, location and expected growth rate of the fibroids that you have. Inquire further about potential problems caused by your fibroids, tests to track their growth and treatment options.

Never attempt to self-diagnose a medical condition. If you suspect that you are suffering from uterine fibroids, contact a professional like Michael Ihemaguba immediately for a health assessment.