Wednesday 26 October 2016

Michael Ihemaguba - How To Prepare For An Infertility Appointment

As an obstetrician and gynecologist, Michael Ihemaguba has had the unenviable task of broaching the subject of infertility with couples who are struggling to conceive on a number of occasions. Arranging a fertility test can often be scary due to the possibility of negative results, so try to keep the below in mind to make sure you are prepared in body and mind.
Michael Ihemaguba

Provide Details To Your Physician

Before arranging the test you should go into as much detail as possible about your attempts to conceive with your physician. Pay particular attention to when you started trying to conceive and how often you have intercourse, particularly during the mid-course of the woman’s cycle. You should also make note of any medical conditions you or your partner have, as these may be a factor.

Get Support

The possibility of infertility can be an embarrassing one to broach with friends and family, but trying to shoulder the burden on your own can lead to more stress, which makes any appointments you have arranged more difficult. Seek support from those closest to you and discuss your fears with them.

Ask Questions

An obstetrics and gynecology physician, like Michael Ihemaguba, will be there to answer any questions that you have about the appointment and possible causes for why you are struggling to conceive. Consider creating a list of questions before you go in to arrange the appointment and also be prepared to answer a number of standard questions that relate to issues such as difficulty in gaining muscle mass, whether or not you smoke and a number of other personal questions.