Monday 21 November 2016

Michael Ihemaguba - Tips For Managing High Risk Pregnancies

Having worked in obstetrics and gynecology for a large portion of his career, Michael Ihemaguba has worked with many women to help them confront the issues that are caused by high risk pregnancies. Being told that you have a high risk pregnancy is scary, but there are a number of things you can do to manage the situation and mitigate as much risk as possible.

Michael Ihemaguba

Cut Out Bad Habits
One of the main offenders in terms of causes of high risk pregnancies is bad habits. These include everything from smoking through to drinking to excess and taking recreational drugs. Your medical professional will be able to work with you in confidence to confront these issues and you need to do what you can to avoid these bad habits to reduce the risk your baby faces.

Deal With Your Stress
Being informed that you have a high-risk pregnancy can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety building up, which only serves to make the situation worse. You can manage this stress by sitting down with your physician to create a plan of action and focusing on getting support from your partner and loved ones. You should also focus on maintaining a healthy body and getting enough sleep.

Get Checked Regularly
You need to be aware of what is happening to your body at all stages of your pregnancy, which means getting checked regularly by an obstetrician and gynecologist like Michael Ihemaguba. These checks will allow you to catch issues early and also provide peace of mind that can help with stress.